Yukyung Cha
Also, our peers, you all, pushed each other to be the best version of ourselves. Without each other, nothing great could have happened to us. We owe it to the great UTD community to be forever Comets.
– Yukyung Cha

As I stand before you today, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and pride. Our journey to this moment has been one of resilience, determination and unwavering commitment. Today, as we prepare to embark on the next chapter of our lives, we are reminded of the countless obstacles we have overcome and the remarkable achievements we have celebrated.
My journey began in August 2022, when I first came to Dallas from the opposite side of the world, South Korea. With courage and a sincere desire to pursue my dreams, I attended The University of Texas at Dallas. Thanks to the generous scholarship provided by UTD, I pursued a master’s degree in business analytics, a dream I had long held.
Surprisingly, I was introduced to many dreamers like you when I came to UTD. Over the last several months, we turned that dream into reality. It’s surreal to see how we all came together in all aspects of our academic journey to cross the finish line. This journey of a million miles was truly possible at only one place — The University of Texas at Dallas.
The memories we crafted here are priceless. Whether it was spending time at the library, participating in events at the Activity Center or that wonderful afternoon siesta before a 4 p.m., we realized that this is home! We forged meaningful connections with fellow students and staff members, turning UTD into a true home away from home. And not to forget the unpredictable Texas weather. Even during a harsh thunderstorm or the winter freeze, the school was always bustling with high-octane energy.
Along the way, we have had the opportunity to rub shoulders with executives and to be mentored by industry leaders. Several of us worked with organizations while pursuing our degrees. We have been UTD’s ambassadors in all of this. And now we have the opportunity to continue serving as ambassadors of UT Dallas, only as alumni this time! Wherever we are in the future, the spirit of being a Comet that ties us together will continue to push us to newer heights!
At this time, I am reminded of the countless individuals who have supported and inspired us. Whenever we needed advice, whether it was the Career Management Center or our wonderful staff and illustrious professors, there was a helping hand when we needed one. They didn’t hesitate and were always there with open arms.
Also, our peers, you all, pushed each other to be the best version of ourselves. Without each other, nothing great could have happened to us. We owe it to the great UTD community to be forever Comets.
Lastly, I would like to share my mantra: “Nothing happens if you do nothing.”
In our roles as alums of UT Dallas, we have an opportunity to change the world. Think of that student that you will mentor. Think of ways you will continue the engagement with your alma mater. And finally think of all the possible ways through which you will continue to serve this great institution that is our forever home!
Finally, each of us had to overcome immense challenges and demonstrate extraordinary resilience in adversity. Not a single moment was easy, but we loved it all. As we move forward, let us continue to embrace the spirit of innovation, collaboration and perseverance that has defined our time at UTD.
I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone. Remember, we are the pride of UTD and will continue to achieve greatness in all we do.
Thank you, and congratulations to the Class of 2024. Whoosh!!
Hailing from South Korea, Yukyung Cha has achieved remarkable success in pursuing a master’s in business analytics with the prestigious Dean’s Excellence Scholarship. She graduates as a scholar with distinction. Her dedication to practical application is evident through her attainment of the Applied Machine Learning Certification and her yearlong internship as a data analyst at Extreme Networks. She has demonstrated outstanding results in off-campus engagements. Cha’s team earned first prize at the 2024 Texas Healthcare Hackathon for its innovative idea in the integration of health care and business analytics. She coauthored a paper that recently won Best Student Paper Award at the Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.